Daily Flyer - November 9, 2022

Daily Flyer - November 9, 2022

Russia attacks the logistics business in Dnipro, causing a large fire and injuring civilians.

Russian forces deployed kamikaze drones in an attack on the city of Dnipro (Dnipropetrovsk Oblast), causing a large fire. Four civilians were injured in the attack.

Our anti-aircraft defense systems destroyed five loitering munitions.

However, others hit their targets. A logistics business was hit in the city of Dnipro. Four of its employees sustained injuries. All of them have been hospitalized, three in severe condition.

The enemy strike caused a large fire. Over 300 square meters were on fire. Firefighters have extinguished the flames. However, the business's warehouses have been destroyed."

The Head of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Military Administration reported that Russian forces deployed Grad multiple rocket launchers and heavy artillery to attack the Nikopol district, damaging private and municipal property in two hromadas, Myrove and Marhanets [a hromada is an administrative unit designating a city, town or village and its adjacent territories - ed.].

"People were spared," Reznichenko noted.

However, private houses and the premises of a private business were damaged in Marhanets hromada, and several houses and a power line in Myrove hromada.

Zelenskyy: The intensity of hostilities is no less than at the beginning of autumn.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are consolidating their presence in Kherson and Donetsk oblasts and are gradually liberating Ukrainian cities. The intensity of the hostilities is no less than at the beginning of autumn.

"In the information space, there is a certain decrease in the amount of news from the front. There are fewer messages than, for example, at the beginning of autumn. But this does not mean that the intensity of the fighting has decreased."- Zelenskyy said.

The President stated that the situation remains difficult on the entire front. Positional battles are ongoing in some areas; the situation is especially tense in Donetsk Oblast.

Russian occupiers are suffering heavy losses, but they continue trying to achieve what they were ordered: to reach the administrative border of Donetsk Oblast. This order has not changed. The President declared that Ukrainian Armed Forces would not give up a single centimeter of Donetsk Oblast to the Russians.

"Kherson Oblast. We clearly understand what the enemy is planning, so we act accordingly. [We do so] carefully, thoughtfully and in the interests of the liberation of our entire land. We are reinforcing our positions, ruining Russian logistics, and consistently destroying the potential of the occupiers to keep the south of our country under occupation."- the President noted.

Russians attack the city of Kramatorsk: 8-year-old boy injured.

An eight-year-old boy was injured as a result of a Russian attack on the city of Kramatorsk in Donetsk Oblast.

Pavlo Kyrylenko, Head of the Donetsk Oblast Military Administration informed that  Russians have launched another attack on Kramatorsk – a child was injured. An eight-year-old boy was a victim of the attack. Projectiles fell near one of the local schools. The school and adjacent houses were damaged. Kyrylenko stressed that civilians, especially families with children, must evacuate from Donetsk Oblast. Parents are responsible for the lives of their children.

The 8 November report of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine states that Russians launched attacks on several settlements on the Bakhmut and Avdiivka front.