Daily flyer - January 19, 2023

A voice of Ukraine to the West

Daily flyer - January 19, 2023

Russians launch an attack on a residential area in Kherson center.

Russian occupiers have attacked the center of Kherson. They deliberately struck a residential area of the city with multiple-launch rocket systems. There is no military facility nearby, only residential buildings and civilian infrastructure.

A fire started due to the attack, and there are still unexploded shells. Emergency workers put out the fire and removed the shells. Kherson Oblast Municipal Emergency Response Service will fix the damaged windows of residential buildings.

Fortunately, there were no casualties.

Dutch Parliament Voted for Patriot Systems to Ukraine.

The lower house of the Dutch parliament has supported the provision of Patriot anti-aircraft missile systems to Ukraine.

Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte announced on Tuesday during his visit to US President Joe Biden that the Netherlands plans to hand over Patriot to Ukraine along with the United States and Germany, as NOS reports.

Rutte said that the agreements are yet to be confirmed but they are at an advanced stage. Therefore, it is not yet clear how exactly the Cabinet of Ministers will act, but the vast majority of the Parliament agrees on this plan. In addition to the government parties, a large part of the opposition also supports the plan of the government.

"People's Party for Freedom and Democracy" (VVD) MP, Peter Valstar, mentioned the recent rocket attack on a residential building in Dnipro, which resulted in 46 deaths: "Ukraine must defend itself against missiles from Russia. Patriots could play a significant part in this matter."

The MP from the opposition "Socialist Party" Jasper van Dijk does not object Patriot deliveries. "Ukraine has the right to defend itself. Russia is attacking the country in an incredibly cowardly way," he said.

Members of Parliament question whether the Netherlands has enough of these systems to protect its airspace. The Netherlands currently has four Patriot systems, each consisting of a radar, a fire control center, and multiple launchers.

The ministers of the countries that cooperate in providing military assistance to Ukraine will meet at the German Ramstein base tomorrow, including the Dutch Defence Minister. Details on Patriot systems may become known following the meeting.

On December 21, the US Department of Defence announced $1.85 billion in additional security assistance for Ukraine.21 Dec 2022 $1.85 billion, including Patriots. Germany followed the US and promised to hand over Patriot to Ukraine.

About a hundred Ukrainian troops, who will train to operate and maintain Patriot air defense systems, have already arrived at the base in Oklahoma.

Russian attack on Dnipro: death toll rises to 46 people.

According to updated information, the Russian missile that hit the apartment building in Dnipro killed 46 people. Eleven people have not yet been identified, and the same number remain missing. Identification is ongoing